/permenant student.
an experiment with socket.io, web audio and flying nyan cats
SYNTH-IAfun with midi math in ruby
def make_all_the_notes (0..127).each do |midi_note| generate_frequencies(midi_note) end end def generate_frequencies(midi_note) if midi_note == 0 @frequency = 8.1757989156 print frequency else f = 2**((midi_note.to_f-69)/12) frequency = f*440 ### silly perfect A's print frequency end end make_all_the_notes
I have been having a lot of fun with webkitAudioContext... this .js sine wave osc generator seems to always end up in my javascripts folder...
o.Turn up headphones and move slider (note will playback on release).
var audioCtx = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); var gainNode var o # oscillator!!! var frequncy # note frequencies var duration # note length var volume # note volume var fade # note fade out function oscillatorOn(frequncy, duration, volume, fade) { var o = audioCtx.createOscillator(); var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain(); o.connect(gainNode); gainNode.connect(audioCtx.destination); gainNode.gain.value = volume; o.frequency.value = freq; o.start(); o.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + duration); setInterval(function() { gainNode.gain.value > 0.001 ? gainNode.gain.value -= fade : null }, 50); };
Turn me on to phantom.
Bill Evans on(p), Reflections in D(ellington)
required research for prometheus chords project.
download/listen to effessbee.
NEF139: First, you start with the calcium rich (metaphor for ‘dope’) skeletal system that is Aalo Guha. This cerebral, next level producer constructs the base of an entire albums worth of deeply involved and sample-sensual hip hop beats. Stretched atop the bone structure is the verbal muscle (metaphor for ‘dope’) of three of the coolest kids from east van, all grown up. Chadio, Azrael and Kaboom have been integral to the voice of Imaginations Treetrunk—a crew slash label slash musical force to be reckoned with—since day one. Combined to form a singular super soldier body (metaphor for ‘dope’), the Imaginations Treetrunk team lay down over 45 minutes of genuinely interesting and entertaining hip hop laced with true style and unique substance. Oh, right: the ‘bling’… Guest appearances by some of Canada’s finest: Touch, Epic, Birdapres, Yy and Fatt Matt… are truly the cherry on top (cliche’d metaphor for ‘dope’) of what is destined to be a classic in Canadian underunderground hip hop music. (Insert metaphor for ‘dope’).